About Us
تيتل التجارية هي واحدة من أبرز الشركات المصنعة والموزعة للمنتجات الصيدلانية والمغذية. نحن نقدم إمكانيات صحية أفضل مع مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات الادوية في السوق المحلية والدولية. لقد يعد تيتل التجارية كأفضل مستورد للأدوية عبر الإنترنت في صناعة الأدوية لضمان الرعاية الصحية. ورفاهية البشرية من خلال منتجاتها عالية الجودة وبأسعار معقولة.
كواحدة من أفضل الشركات الصناعية الصيدلانية ، هدفنا الرئيسي هو تحقيق التميز في الجودة ورضا الزبائن من خلال ممارسات التصنيع المتقدمة.
Tital Altijariya
Tital Altijaria is a most renowned nutraceuticals brand in Libya and is also known as the eminent online medicine importer of life-saving and diagnostic products. We are manufacturing and distributing a wide spectrum of Nutraceutical Products to target the specific needs of people across the globe.
As a drug manufacturing company, we have achieved astonishing success in a very short span that reflects our strong commitment and firm dedication and above all increased customer satisfaction rates. We are one of the leading Nutraceuticals manufacturing companies that develop collaboration, a bond of trust and relations with our clients and partners. We are committed to improving patients’ lives through our advanced and cost-effective pharmaceuticals and nutraceutical products.

Nutraceuticals Capsules
Tital Altijariya
Tital is a leading pharmaceutical manufacture brand in Libya. To fulfil our responsibilities sincerely, we are using the perfect mix of People, Technology and Infrastructure. With this, we ensure that the people we touch with our products and services are given the best. We are working in this industry for more than two decades, so we know what is needed to make patients’ life healthy and stress-free. We make every possible effort to make world-class healthcare products and services easily accessible to people in Libya. So, count on us for our safe, unique and professional drug manufacturing distribution services.